The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stuff I make - Broiled Grapefruit

Remember that bitter, sour grapefruit someone - a creepy stranger maybe - made you eat as a kid? Well I'm about  to be that creepy stranger and make it awesome for you!

- Get yourself a grapefruit. Pink, white, whatever
- Get some butter, sugar (white or brown) and cinnamon
- Cut the grape fruit in half and slice up the individual slices so you can scoop them out with a spoon when you eat it. But don't eat it cause it's still just as bitter and sour as it was before.
- Make sure your oven is set to broil. Or if you're poor use a toaster. I don't know if it'll work but if you don't have an oven you probably aren't reading this
- In any order, I don't care, put on the sugar, butter and cinnamon. Load that crap on.
- Put it in the oven obviously. I don't know, 10 minutes or something. Get it hot.
- When it's done that crap will melt in your mouth and you will thank me for your new found self actualization

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