The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Corn, not Korn.

There are many ways to cook corn. All of them are not as good as this one. Just do it.

1. Husk your corn. -Buy your corn with the husk on, it keeps longer, looks like it came from a farmer, and is less expensive.)

2. Butter the corn. -All over, butter is delicious

3. Salt and Pepper the corn.- Also Parmesan cheese if you have some, don't be subtle about it either, put lots on there pepper too. Lots of pepper. People generally don't use enough pepper.

4. Wrap the corn in Tinfoil.- For best cooking and warmth only put two of them in each package of foil. Like they are in love and want to be alone. Just a single layer is fine.

5. Cook on the grill. -20-30 minutes seems to be best depending on the heat of your BBQ, just cook them a little longer than your burgers or fish or other veggies or whatever else you are making these with.

We have tried so many different ways to cook corn. For some reason all the butter and spices all blend so well and bring out this crazy sweetness in the corn this way. Just trust us. Look how fat and happy we are getting, obviously we are right about this.

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