The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Pipes

Oh Johnny Boy. So the thing with the taps in this place is that when you want cold water from the kitchen tap you must wait a long time. For example today I turned on the tap and almost burnt my hand the water was so hot. So I let it run while I emptied the dish rack, then I tidied the kitchen, then I got ice cubes into the glass, then, then I waited two more minutes until it was almost cold and filled the glass. The opposite, however is true for the shower, you must wait an equal amount of time for hot water. You turn it on and walk away for a while then come back and just endure the first few minutes of not quite fridgid water. So today I am finally in warm water, getting all wet and the hot water goes out. So I turn off the drizzle of cold which keeps it at an ok temperature and nothing. And not nothing as in it is still cold. Nothing as in as soon as the cold water tap was turned off no water came out of the hot water tap. Tried the bathroom sink nothing there either. If we have plans together today- I am sorry that I stink. I didn't have time to use soap and there is no way I am taking  a freezing cold shower. It is comparable to jumping into a Canadian lake in the winter. Oh Johnny Boy what the heck is up with the pipes in these digs!? If only the kitchen sink was bigger.

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