The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Festivus, marijuana and Nightwish

It has been some time, hasn't it? I have no excuse. I can complain about being busy. But I always find time to sit here at the computer on a regular basis. I'm usually watching Fringe though. Its basically awesome so go watch it. Think X-Files on crack.

So I worked alot during the Christmas break. I`ve been contemplating about blogging about how disgusting it is in a kitchen and scaring everyone away from eating out but instead that`s all I`ll say and you can use your imagination. I worked Christmas eve, Boxing Day and New Years Eve. The story goes like this. I volunteer to work Christmas eve with the promise of getting News years eve off. Didn`t happen. They also never get back to me when I request a raise. So I spoke to my manager about these disappointments. The conversation began like this: "Are you familiar with the holiday Festivus?"
-It's an alternative holiday to Christmas this time of year. It involves a metal pole, feats of strength and airing of grievances. It's for the rest of us".
Well I have some grievances to air with you...

Unfortunetly he didn't get it my reference. Oh well. Here's a link in case you don't get it either.

Our elevator always reeks of marijuana and B.O. or maybe the B.O. is part of the skunky weed. Can't be sure without further particulate analysis.

And finally a new Nightwish album has come out. Its been like 6 years. Very awesome. Check it out. Here's a sample

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