The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Grandfathers and the Crazies

I have one of those faces, those faces that every old man thinks looks just like his granddaughter. The insta-love-you face. This is great is some respects; old men reach into their pockets and give me a mint with a wink, they smile and leave me their change. They tend to hit on me a little too, I think I remind them a little of their young wives too. In other respects the crazies are drawn to me. Two recent-ish examples come to mind. And this happens to me all the time. All The Time.
Example One
At work an old man comes up to me and asks 'hey guess why I look so good for my age?' Well he does yoga and he has an amazing singing voice it turns out. And I like the idiot that I am tell him 'well you can't just brag about your voice and not give us a song, just a little taste' IDIOT if I were any other person he would have laughed and said no. But alas, he starts to sing. A love song, no less. And not just a line no no, the entire first verse, then the second followed by the last. And at the top of his lungs. He takes my hand, he looks at me romantically and people begin to gather. By the end he has a huge audience and they clap and I beg inwardly 'please no one yell encore'. Turns out he does have an amazing singing voice.
Example Two
My father-in-law was in the hospital after having had knee replacement surgery and upon walking out of the hospital a man literally runs up to me and says 'are you Irish? Because you have beautiful green eyes and red hair and you look Irish.'

(note; I do not have red hair). But this is not the first time I have been asked if I am Irish. I think the ones-of-those-faces face I have is indeed an Irish face. I do look Irish, probably because I am. My maiden name (long story short) was Ladbrook. I digress.

The encounter with hospital man was not over. He bends over and says 'get on my back, you will ride me around like a pony.' Now I am used to this (it happens a lot) so I laugh good naturedly and decline. He of course insists and when I laugh and decline again he has Mr. Sollywood bend over and gets me up onto his back where upon the hospital man hits Mr. Sollywood on the bottom and yells 'get up!' So we gallop away.

So I raise my glass; Cheers, to the Grandfathers and the Crazies out there. Thanks for making my life so interesting.

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