The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Stuff I make - Yogurt

Here's what you need to make your own yogurt... YOGURT. Seriously, I'm going to tell you how to make yogurt from yogurt. I'm amazing.

- yogurt with active bacteria cultures. Plain and flavourless
- milk
- double boiler set up
- sterile spoon
- thermometer

- Sterilize your spoons you filthy person. You don't want strange new bacteria introduced to yogurt enzymes
- Double boiler - one pot with water in it, boiling, and another pot on top with nothing in it. But you knew that right? Otherwise get out of the kitchen.
- Put as much milk as you want in the pot. The empty one. I shouldn't have to spell it out for you but I'm spelling everything else out so whatever
- Heat the milk up to 185 degrees. This will screw with the lactose in the milk and make it vulnerable to invasion by the active cultures in the yogurt
- Cool milk down to 110 degrees. If you don't want to wait long you can put it in an ice bath. Leave it in the pot though, stupid!
- at 110 degrees put 2-3 table spoons of yogurt and give it a good stir with the sterile spoon.
- Put it off heat, maybe on a heating pad or whatever so residual heat doesn't burn anything but I don't care, it's your kitchen.
- Cover it with a dish towel, bath towel, doesn't matter, just cover it for 7 HOURS. That's right. You gotta plan your day around a pot of freaking yogurt!
- In 7 hours give it a good stir. There will be chunks, maybe even a greenish goo. That's okay. Stir that crap smooth and put it in the back of your fridge overnight.
- Eat your stupid yogurt now. It's good for you, no artificle additives but it might be a little thinner than you're use to. Store bought yogurt uses junk like pectin to thicken it.
- Add berries and granola. Its yummy

 Don't use a wooden spoon like in this picture. I know better than the internet.

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