The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Monday, August 2, 2010

when life gives you a lemon, wing it right back and add some lemons of your own!"

I've locked my keys in my car several times. Who hasn't? Don't lie now cause I know you're thinking "not me!". One of the first times I ever spent any time with Mrs. Sollywood was in the University parking lot trying to jimmy my door open with an old wire hanger to get my forbidden keys. Right there on the passenger seat... mocking me... and I'm thinking why should I have to work for everything? It's like saying I don't deserve it! So on Sunday I did it again. Church parking lot, hot sun, heavy suit and keys on the passenger seat. I've grown this nasty habit of locking the door everytime I close it. So really, this was the fault of psychopaths and desperate car thieves. Meanwhile, my CAA membership has expired and everyones cell phone keeps dying when we call for help. Not mention those who ignores the call when coming from the church because of caller ID saying Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The copies of the Book of Mormon are free people! Just take'em. So we've got a crowd not, and a race to see who can break in first. I have given up seeing as my hanger was flimsey and just couldn't grasp the lock hard enough. We've got wedges and different hanger types going and finally a call to CAA but it's not for another hour so it's more like a time limit for the race. And the award goes to.... Brother Altamarano! I must have butchered the spelling... please forgive me, thank you for cracking into my car. Special thanks to Brother Lipick (spelling??) who lost time going home to get more tools. I could have broken in myself but I thought these guys needed the experience. What did you say? That contradicts something I said earlier? That was just a misunderstanding. Meanwhile, Mrs. Sollywood was having a hard time spitting cherry pits very far.

Oh, and then New Super Mario Brothers all afternoon at Christians. Good times. I wish I was sitting in a more comfortable place right now.

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