The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Friday, June 10, 2011

We are moving... again

The thing about this past week is that a weird thing happened. My face basically exploded from the nose down, and also the left side joined in a few days later for kicks. Lots of hives, lots of swelling, lots of itching, (no scratching though, I am hardcore about no scarring), and lots of peeling, and ..... leprosy (or so it looked like.) I am allergic to pineapple, strawberries, and (newly discovered) mangoes.
Which means that tonight whilst Mr. Sollywood is at work, I will be home alone listening to our newly acquired Star Wars record. I love vinyl. And packing up some of our things. Because Mr. Sollywood got into a sweet and hardcore Masters Program at a fancy University!!!!!!!!! Bet you would rather have had details about that than about the allergies eh? Let's see how long it takes him to post about it shall we? Here is one little tidbit though; he looked almost as excited as this picture


  1. I wish I could have seen it! Good luck appartment hunting!
    And sorry to hear about your leprosy ;)
