The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Why do you like the music you like?

I'm reading a book called "This is your brain on music". The chapter on why we like the type of music that we do has been very interesting so I wanted to write out some of what I've learned here. I'm not really satisfied with the answer "because I do" for any question. So it's nice to find the scientific explanation for behaviours that would sometimes have that as an answer. I want to write out the points I found most interesting but it is hardly an explanation for the entire picture. Any behaviour is much more complex than to explain it away with a simple if A then B statement. (Also known as a modus ponens for logic nerds like me). That being said - here goes:

It all begins in the womb. Long story short, research has found like babies prefer music that they were exposed to in the womb. The auditory system is fully functional after 20 weeks and will be taking in all sorts of sounds. Traffic, conversations, heart beat rhythm and of course, music. On a similar topic, the "Mozart Effect" has many scientific flaws. It claims that making your child listen to Mozart for 10 minutes each day will increase their intelligence - specifically with spatial-reasoning tasks. Now there is a correlation between classical music and intelligence (also a correlation between rap and well, the lack thereof) but the directionality is questioned. Is it the music causing increased intelligence or is it parents that prefer that music create learning environments to foster intelligence. Most scientists in the field do believe that music with greater complexity enhances cognitive functions but would be hesitant to say as an absolute.

Social Consequences. This a a product of Western culture but as Western values permiate the rest of world it certainly is spreading. Musical preference becomes a mark of personal and group identity. This is a very strong influence mainly in the teenage years. You identify with a music and it becomes a part of you while another type may be seen as an attack on your values and thus despise it - even to absurd lengths. Remember Tupac and Biggie Smalls in the 90's? Gang wars over hip hop styles. To a large degree, this is determined by chance factors. For example, in the 60's CCR was huge in northern California. But if you went down south as a CCR fan you wouldn't fit in among all the surfer/Hollywood Beach Boy fans or David Bowie followers. Adolescence is such a critical period of growth that these distinctions become hardwired into our thinking. Much like language and mathematics which have only a limited time for the brain to pick up (if a child doesn't learn a language by the age of 6 or so then they likely will never learn and math by the age of 20) so it is with music. If your brain thinks it doesn't need something then it goes through synaptic pruning and that portion dies off so energy can be used in the areas that get used. So the teenage years are very important for connecting identity and music. Culture and environment are very much chance factors.
Balance between simplicity and Complexity. Now complexity is very subjective. What one finds insipid and simple, another might find difficult to understand based on whatever their previous experience and schemas are. If a musical piece is too simple we tend to not like it. Childrens songs are great for young developing minds but we all know how much adults wanted to kill Barney the purple dinosaur. Also, if it's too complex we don't see it as being grounded in anything we are familiar with and find it too unpredictable to be enjoyable. All art for that matter, needs to find a balance between simplicity and complexity for its audience to enjoy it. It's the same with games. Some games have complex rules that turn off many people from continuing (perhaps board games like Hero Quest or War Hammer) but games that are too simple aren't stimulating enough (Maybe checkers or tic-tac-toe). When complicated music (or games) are given continued exposure, an appreciation can develop as your brain develops landmarks for it and understands the rules. When you don't understand the rules all other types within the genre sound the same. (As with the game analogy - all RPG games may seem the same to someone unfamiliar) A common criticism of rock and roll during it's infant years (1950-60's) was that it all sounded the same. People who are not fans of any particular genre today still use that criticism. But to someone who has learned the rules there can be a vast difference among not just bands but also from the same song writer. Nirvana and Pearl Jam were polar opposites in the grunge scene but to someone unfamiliar with grunge may think they sound the same. (Poppycock I say but then again I'm familiar with it) In short - unfamiliarity leads to frustration or simple lack of appreciation. It can be graphed as an inverted U.
The X axis represents complexity and the Y represents how much you like.

Pitch plays a part also. Some people can't stand the low beats of hip hop and other hate the high pitch whininess of violins. This is part of our physiology. Different ears transmit different parts of the sound frequency spectrum causing someone to experience a sound as pleasant and to another as aversive. To add the influence of previous mentioned things - physiology is affected by development in the womb, the culture you grew up around (microspheres to chronospheres) and development during puberty and what was used to identify with.
As with other preferences, musical preference is influenced by previous experience. If there is a good memory attached then you are likely to enjoy the music. If a negative memory is attached then you may not like the music. It's like if you eat broccoli and then throw up you will likely be hesitant to try another broccoli recipe. But if it was positive then you may be willing to experiment with unknown recipes that use broccoli. (Personally, rap music makes me metaphorically puke)
Then there is safety. We surrender ourselves when we listen to music. We trust the composer with a part of our hearts and our spirits; we let the music take us somewhere outside of ourselves. We allow them access to our emotions on a level that few ever open up to. It is unusual to become so vulnerable to a complete stranger but its music that brings us together. A great composer will make you feel one with them and what they feel. This can be positive or negative. Think of the purveyors of some pop music that is blatently crude, sexist, racist or worse. You allow those attitudes into your deepest emotions. These connections influence our preferences. Think of someone like Johnny Cash who cultivated the outlaw image and played many shows in prisons for the inmates. It turns out, people who have spent time in prison or appeal to the outlaw image are more likely to enjoy his music then someone who wants nothing to do with that lifestyle. If you like the artist on a personal level and value what they do then you will more likely enjoy the music. Same goes for the opposite. If you think Marilyn Manson is a horrible human being then you probably won't enjoy his music. You preference may even be changed when learning about an artists personal life. "i didn't like so and so until I found out we had this in common" or "I use to enjoy whats-his-face until he said this about blah blah".

In conclusion, there are developmental, physiological, experiential and environmental factors that determine what music we like... Ya, it get a bit complicated. Hope that all made sense.

PS - I have the bestest wife in the world! I love you Mrs. Sollywood!

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