The Beginning...

The Beginning...

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The "What's New" Post

So we have been looking at apartments to rent in Hamilton. We don't have a huge budget and want to be close enough to a major bus line so I can get to school and that has limited us a bit. For example, one apartments tried to sell us on how they have only had a prostitute come to the door once. Oh and we should get to know the local beat cop. He'll take care of us. But what if we don't get to know him...and there's only been cockroaches once. These are the selling points. There was also a place that I liked and may be the one so it's not all a complete joke. It's got a garden out back, nice storage attic but no dining room. None of these apartments have dining rooms. Don't people eat in places that aren't in front of the t.v.?

Now watch this:

Grab onto our tongues Charlie!
Sometimes I just can't sit here and type more than this

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